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== Restricting access to a Netgear DGN2200 modem/router ==
== Restricting access on a Netgear DGN2200 modem/router ==

Latest revision as of 14:43, 19 June 2024

Restricting access on a Netgear DGN2200 modem/router

This article describes how to set up a Netgear modem/router to restrict access to an XBox 360 by time schedule. It refers specifically to the Netgear DGN2200, but should be applicable to some other modem/routers in the Netgear range.

Log in to your router using and enter your username and password.

The port information you'll need is as follows:

TCP/UDP 3074
UDP 88

And you'll have 4 services and each will require its own unique name.

I have simply called my 4 ports XboxLive, XboxLive1, XboxLive2 & XboxLive3.

Once you have access to the router you will need to goto the heading 'Content filtering' located on the left hand side of the screen in the blue column and click on 'Services':


In the services window click on 'Add':


Then type in the port information one at a time and click on 'Apply'. In this example I have entered the first of the four ports (XboxLive) as detailed above (port 3074):


After pressing 'Apply' you will be returned to the Services screen. Simply click on 'Add' again and add in the details for the second port (53). Continue until you have individually added all four ports and the Services screen should then look like this:


Next click on Firewall rules again in the blue column under 'Content filtering':


Then click on Add on Inbound Services:


In here you need to use the drop down menu at the top to select the first service you created (in the example its called XboxLive). Then select the next option whichever you prefer. I use Allow by schedule and otherwise Block. Enter the IP address of the device you wish to block access to (in this example Then click on 'Apply':


You will then be returned to the Firewall Rules screen where you then need to simply add in the other 3 services we created (XboxLive1, XboxLive2 & XboxLive3). Once done your screen should look like this:


Finally, once again go to the 'Content Filtering' in the blue column and this time click on 'Schedule':


Once the schedule window is open you just need to select which days you want blocking to occur on and enter the time period in which blocking takes place and click on 'Apply'. In this example I have selected Monday to Friday, Access allowed between 8am and 9pm:


That's it!

--Information supplied by TableLeg