DiagLimiters patch270

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On the Diagnostics Limiter Info screen, the default layout doesnt represent well the flow of packets through dummynet (the limiter), I changed the layout so it fits the dummynet documented traffic flow, making it easier to understand what is going on.

Dummynet has two ways to configure it, one can either use a very simplistic configuration which just utilises pipes, or instead they can utilise schedulers, which also utilises queues, in this advanced configuration pipes are still used to configure the max flow of traffic.

Paste the below code into the Patch Contents box.

Add a description such as 'Better diagnostics limiters layout' in the Description box.

Set Path Strip Count to '0'.

Base Directory to '/usr/local/www/'.

--- diag_limiter_info.php    2022-11-23 10:33:41.856188000 +0000
+++ diag_limiter_info.php       2022-11-23 10:44:57.843461000 +0000
@@ -38,16 +38,16 @@
        if ($text == "") {
                $text = gettext("No limiters were found on this system.");
-       echo gettext("Limiters:") . "\n";
+       echo gettext("Pipes:") . "\n";
        echo $text;
+        $text = `/sbin/dnctl queue show`;
+        if ($text != "") {
+                echo "\n" . gettext("Queues") . ":\n";
+                echo $text . "|";
+        }
        $text = `/sbin/dnctl sched show`;
        if ($text != "") {
-               echo "\n\n" . gettext("Schedulers") . ":\n";
-               echo $text;
-       }
-       $text = `/sbin/dnctl queue show`;
-       if ($text != "") {
-               echo "\n\n" . gettext("Queues") . ":\n";
+               echo "\n" . gettext("|->Schedulers") . ":\n";
                echo $text;