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Graphics software

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Links to free graphics programs for Windows

Photo editors

Photoscape is a suite featuring an album, basic editor,size converter, animated GIF creator

GIMP stands for GNU Image Manipulation Program. Fully featured editor sometimes known as "The Free Photoshop". Steep learning curve but has everything you need. Regular program updates. The drawbacks are that the program does not support 16bit images, does not allow gif animation creation, and does not feature adjustment layers. is a nicely featured image editor, and a worthy alternative to the paid for Photoshop Elements range.

Pixia was originally intended as a program for use by creative manga artists, and that is where it's strengths still lie. However, it does have a useful range of tools for photo editing and is included in this list as it is one of the few free photo editors which supports layer masking.

Photo Pos Pro is a fully equipped photo editor, almost at the same level as GIMP. More than enough features for most, but let down by a very dated looking interface..and the lack of keyboard shortcuts.

Serif Photoplus SE is a stripped down version of Serif Photoplus.......a paid for program which would be my first choice for those who wish to effect comprehensive editing without incurring the expense of Adobe Photoshop. Unfortunately, this stripped down version is lacking some important tools such as dodge and burn options, and it does not support keyboard shortcuts. Nevertheless, this is the one I would recommend for newbies to can cut your teeth on this program and learn all that you need, and produce great results.

IrfanView is an image organiser and basic photo editor which is unique in that can also play video and audio files. Can handle a wide array of image formats and convert between these formats. Editing possibilities are limited to such as crop, rotate, adjust contrast and brightness....but it can produce screensavers and slide shows and can be used as a resizer. A small, fast program for preparing images to view rather than a full editor.

Picasa is not a true photo editor as it cannot make changes at pixel level. It is in reality an image organizer and album with some basic editing tools such as straighten, rotate, resize etc. but it does have emailing options. One for the person who wants to share images without delving into the realms of heavy editing.

3D modelling.

Drawing tools

Painting tools

Icon creators

Colour pickers

Font managers and creators

Image resizer

Image Resizer for Windows is a utility that lets you resize one or more selected image files directly from Windows Explorer.